4th of July Parade

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Name: 4th of July Parade
Date: July 4, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Join us for Louisiana's longest running 4th of July parade!!!  Everyone welcome to join the parade at no cost.  Bands, dance line teams, cheer teams, political floats, businesses, pageant queens, princesses, etc.  EVERYONE WELCOME.    If registering online, please note what type of float, or parade entry you will have in the comments section.  If you would rather send in your application by mail, please email Jennifer at marksvillechamber@gmail.com.  
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer at (318) 253-8599.
The parade line up will begin at 8:00AM on Mark Street.  Please do not pull up on Ogden Street unless instructed to do so by a member of the Marksville Chamber of Commerce.  ONLY THE GRAND MARSHAL AND POLITICAL FLOATS ARE ALLOWED ON OGDEN STREET.  EVERYONE ELSE MUST LINE UP ON MARK STREET.  There is no specific order for floats, when you arrive, pull onto Mark Street from Preston Street and get in line.  No one will be allowed to enter Mark Street or Ogden Street from the Washington Street side.  These sides will be blocked off.
Date/Time Information:
July 4, 2022
Contact Information:
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Printed courtesy of www.marksvillechamber.org/ – Contact the Marksville Chamber Of Commerce for more information.
P.O. Box 767, Marksville, Louisiana 71351 – 318-253-8599 – marksvillechamber@gmail.com