The Doll & Toy Drive was created by the City of Marksville to honor the late Mrs. Margaret Michel. Local businesses and community residents make monetary donations to fund the event. This allows all children in the Marksville community to receive a small gift for Christmas at no charge.
The Doll and Toy Drive will be held on December 3, 2022, in the parking lot behind McDonald's. This is a drive through event and everyone is required to stay in your vehicle at all times. Children must be present in the vehicle to receive a gift. We will make sure that your child receives an age and gender appropriate gift from newborn to 16 years of age.
While waiting in line, expect a visit from Santa and get ready to tell him all of your Christmas wishes!! We would like to thank everyone who donates and volunteers for this wonderful cause. It's such a pleasure to see the smiling faces of all the boys and girls during this special time of year.
Please thank your local businesses by shopping local this holiday season.